The Italian version of the Oratorio Il Cuore di Cristo was premiered by the Chorus Urbanus accompanied by the National Orchestra of Malta at the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary on Saturday 14th October 2006. This concert was part of the celebrations marking the unveiling of the monument dedicated to the late Pope John Paul II. The venue of the concert was changed to Ta’ Pinu due to bad weather.
The concert was patronised by various distinguished guests including the President of Malta, HE Dr Edward Fenech Adami and Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, Members of Parliament and various Mayors and Local Councillors. The Choir and the foreign soloists were under the supervision of Prof. Dobreva who accompanied the two soloists to Malta specifically for this performance.

Baritone Marios Kristaki Andreou, from Cyprus and bass Dimitar Penchev interpreted the parts of John the Baptist and The Eternal Father alongside Maltese artistes Yvonne Galea, Joseph Aquilina, Noel Galea, Antonella Mercieca and Mario Portelli.
“In occasione dell’Udienza Generale del 22 febbraio corrente, Ella ha fatto presentare al Santo Padre espressioni di devozione, avvalorate dalla preghiera e accompagnate dal gentile omaggio di un significativo CD [dell’oratorio IL CUORE DI CRISTO.]
Il Sommo Pontefice ringrazia per il premuroso gesto e per i sentimenti che lo hanno suscitato e, mentre esorta a sempre più confidate nel Cuore misericordioso di Cristo e a diffondere il suo messaggio d’amore, La affida, insieme ai familiari, alla celeste protezione dell’Immacolata Madre di Dio, ben lieto di inviare l’implorata Benedizione Apostolica, pegno di pace e di speranza, che estende ben volentieri ai componenti del Chorus Urbanus.
Con sensi di distinto ossequio mi confermo nel Signore,
Gabriele Caccia
Way back in June 2005, this musical composition was given standing ovations when it was performed in Maltese at the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart in Fontana, Gozo, during the Fontana Centenary Celebrations and at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Imdina, Malta. Local and foreign critics greeted these performances and CD recordings with enthusiastic reviews and comments.
During February 2006, Mro. Galea, through the esteemed channels of Mgr. Alfred Xuereb and Mgr. Castellanos, secretary of Cardinal Hoyos presented the CD with the Italian version of the oratorio to H.H. Pope Benedict XVI in Aula Paolo VI at the Vatican. Mgr. Gabriele Caccia from the Segreteria di Stato, sent a very letter which the composer treasures greatly. The letter dated 27th February 2006 reads:
HL Bishop Grech and President Dr. Edward Fenech Adami The late Bishop Nicholas J Cauchi – author Mro John Galea with Prof. Dobreva and soloists
The Italian lyrics of this oratorio, written by H.L. Nicholas J. Cauchi, centre around the mysteries of the Light of the Holy Rosary, promoted by the late Pope John Paul II and so the work has a very deep and significant bond with the Polish Pontiff.