Chorus Urbanus embarked on a choral engagement in Sicily during early December as the guests of Corale Polifonica Jonia, who are celebrating their 50th anniversary. The choir visited Giarre, Acireale, Taormina, Catania and Siracusa.
The choir kick-started the first engagement performing during a concert at the Teatro Rex in Giarre, singing four-part adaptations of Maltese folk tunes arranged by the choir’s director John Galea, and choral works from Italian opera on Monday 6th December.

The Corale Polifonia Jonia and Chorus Urbanus then joined forces to perform the Agnus Dei from the Missa Ignes Charitatis, composed and conducted by Mro Galea at the Giarre cathedral on Tuesday7th December. Tota pulchra es Maria, a choral work composed by Galea specifically for this Festival Incontri con la Polifonia, was also premiered.The Ad Dei Laudem choir from Lentini, the Blossomed Voice from Villadossola and the Corale Jonia Junior from Giarre also took part.
On Wednesday 8th December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, the choir performed Missa in Fractione Panis during Mass at Giarre cathedral.
On Thursday 9th December, the choir sang during Mass celebrated by Gozo Bishop Mario Grech at the Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime in Syracuse. At the sanctuary there are art works by ex-Chorus Urbanus member, artist Austin Camilleri.
Chorus Urbanus Productions published a souvenir booklet for the occasion that was distributed during the various activities.