Chorus Urbanus is indeed honoured with its excellent rendition of Dr John Galea’s ‘Missa Fons Vitae’ during Sacred Heart Feast Solemn High Mass on Sunday morning, a mass commissioned and premiered five years ago to celebrate the first centenary of Fontana Parish.

A huge well done goes to Yvonne Galea (sop), Noel Galea (bass)and Mario Portelli (tenor) all members of Chorus Urbanus and Orchestra. We have had a great feedback from Fr John Muscat, Chaplain Fontana Parish, and numerous Fontana parishioners! Thanks also are due to Hon. Dr. Justyne Caruana, Minister for Gozo, Fontana Mayor Saviour Borg, Hon Chris Said M.P. , Mr Anton Tabone (Speaker Emeritus), local councilors and members of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre for gracing the liturgical celebration with their presence and gestures of appreciation.
The Mass was presided by Gozo Bishop, Msgr. Mario Grech, while Can Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest Nativity Basilica Xaghra delivered the panegyric.