Chorus Urbanus will be undergoing its 13th Choral Tour, which will see the choir performing in the capital city of Sicily, the impressive city of Palermo, and in Monreale, famous for its Cathedral which is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The choir will be also touring Trapani, Erice, and the beach resorts of Scopello and San Vito Lo Capo.

The choir will be visiting northwest Sicily between the 22nd and 27th August 2018. During its visit in Sicily, Chorus Urbanus will be giving two major performances in the Sicilian capoluogo, that this year is celebrating its status as the Italian Capital of Culture. Our singing engagements start with a Concert of Sacred Music featuring works by Dr John Galea in the magnificent Palermo Cathedral on the 24th August 2018 at 20:00hrs. The choir will have the honour to meet and also sing works by one Italy’s foremost composers, Prof. Marco Betta (Conservatorio di Palermo), who is also a very close friend of our musical director. The Maestro di Cappella of the Cathedral, Maestro Mauro Visconti, has also been instrumental to offer a high-profile hospitality to our choir.
The second performance would be High Mass in Monreale Cathedral on Sunday 26th August 2018 at 10:30 hrs, during which Chorus Urbanus will perform John Galea’s Missa in Fractione Panis together with other liturgical motets. The Maestro di Cappella at Monreale Cathedral, Maestro Marco Intravaia will be accompanying the Gregorian chants alternating with polyphony on the magnificent organ during mass celebrated by Mons. Nicola Gaglio, the Duomo’s Archpriest.
Duomo di Monreale Palermo Cathedral Duomo di Monreale – detail
During both performances, Chorus Urbanus will be under the musical direction of Dr. John Galea.
A full programme of events for the choir members travelling to Sicily has been prepared by the choir’s committee that has been working incessantly for these last months to ensure that this choral tour would follow on the successful steps of the preceding excursions by the Choir on foreign soil. This is a very special and significant choral tour that is taking place during 2018, when Malta is celebrating its status as the 2018 European Capital of Culture and Palermo as the 2018 Italian Capital of Culture.
As one of Gozo’s cultural exports, Chorus Urbanus appreciates the tangible support that is being offered by Hon. Dr. Justyne Caruana, Minister for Gozo and the Directorate of Eco-Gozo. The Choir also appreciates the input by our Sicilian contact person Prof. Franco Foderà, Conservatorio di Trapani.