Following the announcement by the Arts Council Evaluation Board, Chorus Urbanus was awarded the 2nd cycle of the Feel the Magic Project 2022-24, falling under the Investment in Cultural Organisations – Gozo programme. The award of the grant was made public on February 1, 2022.
Chorus Urbanus Productions will be kick-starting a new 3-year project of Feel the Magic (2022-2024) with a Concert of Contemporary Music for Clarinet and Piano performed by Antonello Timpani (clarinet) and accompanied by Antonio D’Anto’ on the pianoforte on 2 March, 2022 at Saint Augustine’s Church in Victoria at 7.30 p.m.
Antonello Timpani – Clarinettist
Antonio d’Anto’ – Pianist
The Italian Duo is well renowned for its performances of eclectic contemporary sounds that feature in the repertoire of the 20th and 21st century. The programme will feature the following works:
Antonio d’ Anto’ – Sonata (Homage to Brahms) (3 mvts)
Anthony Camilleri – Heat Transfer (3mvts)
Antonio D’Anto’ – Theme of Friendship (for pianoforte solo)
John Galea – Menok I Xrat (for clarinet solo)
Salvatore Schembari /Puccini – Fantasia on Tosca
Donato Lovreglio /Verdi – Fantasia on Traviata
Entrance is free but pre-booking on the following link is required. The number of attendees for the concert is limited due to the current restrictions.
This event is sponsored by Arts Council Malta.