It is with a sad and heavy heart that all Chorus Urbanus members received the sad news of the tragic death of Christine Gauci, an ex-member of our choir. For a number of years she used to form part of the Alto section of Chorus Urbanus. It was at about 10.30am on a bright, sunny Saturday morning on 18th January 2020, that the news arrived that Christine died while she was diving in Mgarr ix-Xini Bay. Christine will be fondly remembered by her friends for her bubbly, positive and energetic character which would be sorely missed by all her acquaintances. Her funeral is being held on Thursday 23rd January 2020 at St. George’s Basilica in Victoria, and Chorus Urbanus will be animating her funeral ceremony.

Christine (second from left) relaxing with her colleagues, choir members during the choral tour in Gerano, Italy.
Christine was also a regular member of the La Stella Band of Victoria with whom she played the soprano saxophone. The La Stella Band will be accompanying her funeral procession before the mass in Church with funeral marches from its repertoire. On behalf of all the members of Chorus Urbanus we convey our deepest condolences to her family and promise that we will remember her in our prayers. May she rest in Eternal Peace!
1 Comment
Betty Bugeja · January 19, 2020 at 2:42 am
May her beautiful soul rest in the peace of the good Lord …+++…