Fontana Festa 2018

Chorus Urbanus is indeed honoured with its excellent rendition of Dr John Galea’s ‘Missa Fons Vitae’ during Sacred Heart Feast Solemn High Mass on Sunday morning, a mass commissioned and premiered five years ago to celebrate the first centenary of Fontana Parish.


Chorus Urbanus Production kicks off opening of Gozo Alive

The opening event of Gozo Alive – Feel the Magic –  organized by Chorus Urbanus Productions at the Villa Rundle, kicked off a special weekend of celebration in Gozo. The event featured Chorus Urbanus soloists, Chorus Urbanus, Urbanus Juniors and the University Vocal Ensemble under the direction of Dr John Galea, in an evening of magical reminiscences from famous animation classics. (more…)

Christmas Concert 2017

After its participation in the highly successful musical “Fiddler on the Roof”, Chorus Urbanus presented its 20th edition of its Christmas Concert, “Il-Kuncert tal-Milied”. This year’s edition was unarguably one of the most successful editions ever held by the Choir in terms of repertoire, attendance and collection for philanthropic needs. This year’s concert was held at St. George’s Basilica in Victoria on Sunday 17th December 2017 at 8.00pm.


Torino – 2017

Chorus Urbanus members have returned back from the choir’s highly successful 12th Choral Tour to Torino with singing engagements at St John Bosco’s Church of Maria Ausiliatrice in Valdocco, the Chapel of the Holy Shroud at the Duomo di Torino and the SS. Trinità Church in Nichelino.
